Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Getting My Bachelor's Degree! What's Next? (College Series #4)

 Hey everyone!

I know it has been awhile but I have had a lot go on in the last month! I was in the hospital about a month ago and just a week and a half ago, I graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with my Bachelor of Arts in Communications with a minor in Sociology! It has been a busy time! 

I wanted to write on the topic of myself getting a college degree as it is becoming a more common occurrence for individuals with learning and cognitive disabilities and I plan to go into a field where I can be an advocate for future college students with disabilities. As I mentioned when I first started writing this blog, my parents were told that I would never read, write, walk, or talk when I was born. Aside from that, graduate with a college degree. 

This is a major milestone for anyone, but especially for people like me! I have always been told by someone at one point or another that I would not be able to do a variety of things (read, write, walk, or talk, make it through middle or high school, etc.). I have proved all those individuals wrong over and over again by achieving this milestone of graduating from college! 

Moving onto what is next! For the summer, I have no clue what my plan is. I know I want to work some to save up and become financially independent (for the most part). I am moving from my studio apartment into a house (with 4 other girls) in Greeley. That bring me to the solidified part of my plan: continuing my education at UNC in their sociology graduate program! My ultimate goal is to go into disability advocacy at colleges and universities. I want to improve services provided for those students as I know what is can be like from that perspective!

Well that's my post for today! I hope you all enjoy reading about my latest endeavors!

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